Climate Neutral Now

The UNFCCC Program anchoring WGC

Climate Neutral Now

Climate Neutral Now

The cornerstone and anchor of our campaign is the commitment to encourage every school in Westchester County to work with the leading climate change entity on the planet earth - the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) - to become Climate Neutral Now.

What does it mean and how can I make this happen?

In addition, to its work on the Paris Agreement, the UNFCCC encourages small organizations and schools to mobilize around action-oriented activities that help in the fight against climate change in an effort to help fulfill the commitments made via the Paris Agreement.

One of the principal programs they run is the Climate Neutral Now program which encourages schools to begin to measure their carbon footprint and then put in place a reduction plan to reduce that footprint.

For more information on the UNFCCC and the Paris Agreement see this Background Info Page

WGC USA has developed a straightforward two-step process that makes it easy for schools to begin to put this plan in place. 

The WGC USA support team is available to help walk you through this process.   

While we strongly recommend that your school more fully involve your students, educators, and administrators in the educational side of this effort, we also want to make clear to future participants that the time to complete the two-step process described above will not take more than 90 minutes.  

For more information on this program: 

  1. Visit our Mitigation Page

  2. Visit the UNFCCC Website