Whoever you are, you can take a leadership role in addressing the most important issue that will shape students’ lives in the 21st Century.

What are the benefits for me?

  • Take a leadership role in your school community. Gain valuable non-profit experience relevant for future opportunities, such as college admissions and internships. Be featured on the WGC USA website as a student volunteer. Be part of a local and global movement working with the county government, the United Nations, and more.

  • Share and learn best practices from a coalition of local enviromental science educators. Help your students apply in-class knowledge with this service learning project. Engage with global classrooms participating in the program.

  • Attain grant funding and guidance in applying for this funding. Receive press coverage, an announcement on the United Nations UNFCCC website, and student engagement. Burnish your legacy by spearheading one of the first schools in the country to take meaningful action on climate change. All of these benefits come with the total support of Green County and minimal time and cost to your district.

“These schools belong to you.

The energy and the ability to change them rests with you.”

-State Senator Shelley Mayer, Chair of the New York State Senate Education Committee

Represents part of Westchester. Supporter of WGC USA. Spoke at our October 9th Conference.

Listen to the full keynote here



Form 1: Measuring Your School’s Carbon Footprint

Form 2: Your Annual Reduction Plan